Thursday, 29 January 2015

Constructing my Double Page Spread

First, I started with a blank A3 document to base and represent my article upon.

Secondly, I set my background to black as this will be what my text layer will be set on.

Thirdly, I added my image covering the whole of the first page as I really wanted this to stand out and I feel I was really able to capture this.

I then added my masthead and top banner which will contain my subtitle.

I then included my subtitle which heavily links to my article.

I finally added in my feature article first using word and then pasting this into my PhotoShop document.


After my initial double page spread was complete, I felt that my double spread was too basic and needed more of an industry standard structure. I started my new draft in the same way as the old one by making a PhotoShop document sized A3 as an all black document. 

I then made a yellow border down the right hand side where I will be adding all of Imagine Dragons' upcoming tour dates. I also added a black arrow as it both informs the audience the dates are in chronological order and it also adds style.

I then added a title within the arrow to highlight that these are the tour dates and I made it stand out by adding it in its own border. I have also added all of these tour dates in a list format.

I then added a page number so that this would fit all modern day common conventions within a magazine. I then also added lines to separate my tour dates as well as another line to separate this feature from my page number.

I then added my image covering the whole of the page in the same way as my first draft, I also added my article's text in a column format which again adds more professionalism to my work.

I then added my name stating my self as the author as well as lining it off from the text to outline that I'm the creator of this article as well as making it's appearance more like an industry standard magazine.

I then added the bands logo as a header as it outlines to readers who recognise the logo that this is a detailed article about them. I also added a supporting title to really bulk out the article which makes it look professional and it also leaves less blank space on the article. I also added a box on the top left to emphasise that this is a review and it again makes this look more of a professional article.

Constructing my Content

I first started with Adobe Photoshop document on a blank A4 sheet of paper.

I next found a contents page to mould my contents page around to use as a style model.

Next, I added boxes where I wanted to place my images, page numbers and text so that I could quickly and easily get my proportions correct.

I then added my first image which is a fan photo taken by myself as its article is a fan preview for a festival.

I then added my contents list in my grey box down the right hand side of my contents page.

I then added my main image on my contents page.

I then added my image attached to my 'Imagine Dragons' article.

I then added another image as well as making and adding my editors note talking about my favourite parts of my magazine.

Next, I added my subscription offer which will promote readers to subscribe to my magazine.

I finally finished adding my images onto my contents page which then finalised my contents page.

Creating my Front Cover

I first started my front cover by starting a new document on Adobe Photoshop on a blank A4-sized setting.

I then added my main image onto my Photoshop document to use as the focal point of my document.

I then added my feature list on top of my main image in the bottom right corner of the image.

I then added a black border on the top line and yellow border on the bottom line to use as taglines for separate features and stories. 

I then added my title of 'Smoke and Mirrors' as it is a common term and album name for my main feature band, "Imagine Dragons"

I then added my masthead in the top left corner of my magazine as this is where I feel this is best suited.

I then added my subtitle to my magazine to give people a hint and exclusive about what my main article will feature.

I then added my first feature article, I the top banner which connotes typical magazine as the often have top and bottom banners.

Next, I filled my bottom banner with another article which add to the strength of my cover.

I then added a small thumbnail of a concert photo as my top title links to it so I feel it is vital I capture this within my work.

I finally added another thumbnail making a small collage which makes the reader feel semi-forced and excited to read into this magazine.

Re Make:

I feel that I should attempt a different layout to my magazine so I first shifted my feature list up and then moved my title towards the right side.

Next I re-structured my bottom text so that it was bolder and more professional.

Next, I added a + sign in a black box at the bottom left of my magazine just as it looks professional and is a touch of an indie sign/connotation.

As my magazine is indie I felt I should show off the tattoo in the audience as tattoo's are seen as signs of extremism which relates to Stanley Hall's youth theory.

I then adjusted the angles of my thumbnail images as they were previously too organised and went against indie magazine connotations.

I then removed my lengthy list of features and just highlighted some key ones whilst adding another one of my festival images in the process. These can all be seen in the left hand side of my front cover.

Creating My Masthead

For my masthead I decided to experiment with a few names before properly deciding on a title. These names were:

Alternative Rock
Indie Weekly

I chose to use AR as my title as it is an acronym for Alternative Rock which is one of the key genres of my magazine. I also chose this as it is short and memorable, similar to style models such as Q and NME.

I did not want my masthead to be complexed, I aimed for something slightly basic and retro. By using an on-line masthead website and experimented with a certain set of titles using my AR branding.

I first went onto and looked into mastheads that fitted my indie rock genre.

I feel that these two titles seem a bit more swayed towards punk and Gothic music as suppose to alternative rock.

I liked these fonts as they seem more of an indie rock style typography however I felt the spacing was too large in between the font especially the masthead at the bottom of the page

I also considered these fonts (above) as they seemed classic and basic compared to the other fonts which was exactly the style I was aiming for which helped me select a certain few before I starting testing these as my masthead.

These were the fonts I had finally used to experiment as they all displayed certain individuality qualities. I liked the top one as it is very edgy and eccentric, The second one is basic but it also appears to be a bit corny. The third seems creative and artistic however lacked the alternative edge I was looking for. The final seemed in a block formation which is alternative however it struggled to connote a music magazine.

After testing all my final four covers I decided that despite all their individual qualities I actually used a Adobe Photoshop font as it was both basic and accessible which were the two key features and requirements which I felt were necessary.  This is an image of a draft cover with my masthead on it. 

Editing Research Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign

Before starting the editing process, I researched potential tutorials and techniques to use on Photoshop, Illustrator and In Design. I already had previous knowledge on Photoshop as I have used it for 3 years whilst studying GCSE photography. I feel that I was able to gain a good knowledge on the other 2 programmes as well as furthering my knowledge on Photoshop. My favourite of the tutorials is the fire tutorial as its one I can use in a variety of fields and forms.




Using what I knew at GCSE level, I was comfortably able to use Photoshop to a high standard. I was able to experiment with tutorials and filters to add various styles to my work, that I had not done before and I think I got quicker at using all the basic tools like the; move, magic wand, brush, text, paint bucket, zoom, colour picker, marquee, crop, lasso, eraser and blur tools to make my work look professional.

Unlike Photoshop, Illustrator was a new concept to me. I learned how to use it so I could make more interesting typography styles for my masthead during my experimental stages. Even though I managed to master the basics I had to rely on tutorials to guide my and think I need a lot more practice using it before I am as comfortable with it as I am Photoshop. In the end, I preferred the simpler masthead I designed using Photoshop so did not use my Illustrator version for anything.

Similarly to Illustrator, I was also new to using Adobe InDesign. Like illustrator I spent a lot of time focussing on tutorials to enhance knowledge of how to use the program to make my layouts look professional. I used InDesign mostly for added text to my final products. 

Original Images

This is a long shot through a fence which didn't plan out as I hoped as the fence was only focussed and the model did not come out as clearly as anticipated.

Another long shot which was slightly more out of focus proving that this fence method didn't work. 

I feel that this set of photos represent Stanley Hall who in 1904 stated that "all young people are depressed, criminals and extremists" as the model looks depressed and the fence represents extremisms.

I feel that my model represents my target audience as he is a 17 year old good looking male which would have appealed to my female audience.

This photo was not used based on its poor quality.

For my final attempt of using photos through fences I tried an extreme long shot through a fence from a low angle. In principal this was a good idea however I soon learnt that this was not the case.

I felt that my outdoor image were struggling in quality. I then decided to try various poses of my model in a musical way to attract my audience. I felt this was a really good image but there were 2 qualities lacking. The first is that my blue screen does not cover the whole background and therefore it was hard to keep the image in alignment. The second is that the reflection off the sunglasses is vividly shown in the image which in essence ruins it. 

I like this image as there as a good contrast between my models hand and his head, however like the last image it was difficult to get this in alignment.

I like this photo as my model is sitting down which gives my images variety and a new style to them. The reflection in the glasses still ruins the image so therefore this image is unusable. 

I feel that the shadow lighting in the background over contrasts this image however I feel that this pose works. I will not use this image due to the shadow lighting.

As there is no pose in this image, the background stands out more which I like, however I feel this image is taken from the wrong angle and this should be taken 90 degrees anti-clockwise.

I feel that this is very simiar to the last image although its quality is not as good.

I feel that the background including train tracks make this a very good image representing Hall's theory entirely, I was original using this image however my magazine to a last minute change to its images.

I feel that this a nice and clear image which continues Hall's theory as it shows a mixture of depression and extremism. However, like some of my earlier images due to poor planning the background does not cover the image meaning alignment difficulties.

Similar to the image before this is not as clear as planned and will not be used.

This is very out of focus and unprofessional.

I like this photo as it is very clear and a good reflection of how he seems powerful as he towers over the audience. This is a low angle and I may use this in my final work.

Despite only using my iPhone camera this photo still came out a lot clearer than expected. I will almost certainly used this or one similar to this.

I feel that this was harder to make clear as this was from a longer distance and it was at night so automatically it was to focus, I may be able to use this image on a smaller scale.

As this was in the day the image was a lot easier to make clearer and had a stronger focus to it.