Sunday, 30 November 2014

Researching Photographic Lighting

Researching Photographic Techniques

Studio Lighting

This tutorial explains some techniques for studio lighting.

The majority of studio lighting uses three point lighting, this is where an object if lit up by sources of light from 3 different points. To be able to use this technique, you need three light sources. You also should use a boom for the background light and stands for all of the lights.

To get a 1:1 ratio of lighting, you need both the fill light and the key light must be at a similar level. 1:1 ratio is often used to take photos for families, engagements, large groups and for identification purposes.

2:1 ratio lighting happens when the key light is one stop higher than the stop light. An example of this is if the key light is measured at F11 whilst the fill light is on F8. Press portraits, general portraiture and full length fashions are the common photo types used in 2:1 lighting.

3:1 ratio lighting is where the fill light is two stops dimmer as supposed to one. This could be where the key light is set at F11 then the fill light to F5.6. This is often used for portrait scenarios.

4:1 lighting is three stops dimmer so this would be displayed if they key light is on F11 and the fill light set to F4. This lighting is very harsh with the shadow being intense. This lighting is often used on men.

5:1 ratio is where your key light is on F11 and the fill light is set at F2.8. This lighting is extremely harsh and the level of detail is very poor whilst using this.

The background light casts between the background and the subject which creates a spacial difference by creating a sharp outline around the subject. This is often a snooted light/spotlight, to create definition between the subject and background the light should be cast on the back of the hair on top of the crown.

Outdoor Lighting

In the daylight, the sun causes the photos to have very harsh shadows however, when they move into the shadow the harshness is reduced which increases the overall quality of the picture. This also means that the midday sun is contrasted a lot more.

Whilst the subject is standing in the shade the photographer can use a reflector to increase the concentration onto the subjects face. As the photos in the shadows are less harsh these would be better than if they were just in the shade alone.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Primary and Secondary Audience Research

From my results I can tell that the majority of people that filled out my survey represent my target audience as my magazine will be mainly targeted at a younger audience. This will also represent my whole surveys results as I am able to get a good idea of they're areas of interest. 

My results show that there is a similar percentage of males and females taking this survey so I am able to get a good idea of how people of both genders feel is important when producing a magazine. From this, I will make sure my magazine appeals to both genders as there is a fairly even split in my research. 

My results show that there is a good mix of social grades and classes within the people who filled out my surveys. This will help my production because I am able to know how people with all sorts of financial backgrounds feel about how the magazine should be marketed, produced and other key features. From this I shall make sure my magazine is a affordable.

My survey results show that the majority of people who completed my survey where of a white ethnicity which was expected as the majority of people came from Bodmin which is a stereotypically a predominately white ethnic area. This will give me a good idea about my primary audience because it will be based on local people although I feel that my survey results maybe affected if I were to do this in a city. 

My survey results show that the majority of people who completed my survey were of a heterosexual sexuality which was expected as the majority of people in the world are heterosexual and because my results have a small mix I am able to get opinions from people of all sexualities. This was also helpful as my target audience does not specify a sexuality so I wanted my results to turn out like this.

My survey results show that only 25% of people within my subjects regularly read music magazines. From this I can both learn what current readers feel is important in a magazine as well as finding out why people do not currently read music magazines. I will make sure my magazine attempts to attract to new readers and to still attract older readers.

From these results I can tell that my the people who answered my survey felt that contents and quality were the two key parts to making my magazine. This also represents how much time I should spend on those two points in comparison to the rest of my features. I will make sure my contents and quality are to a high standard.

My results show that the majority of people would at least consider read a music magazine if it was better made. I am therefore able to have the understanding that the better it is made, the more people will read it. I can see that if a magazine is well made, more people will certainly want to read it and be interested in reading this.

My results show that the majority of my subjects like: Hip-Hop, Pop, Indie and Rock music, which links to my magazine as it's main genres will be Indie and Rock. I now have an understanding about what the people want to see and what interests them in magazines. I now may also include Pop and Hip-Hop from time to time as they are very popular genres.

My results show that the majority of my audience will be willing to pay up to either £2-£3, from this I shall ensure my magazine is affordable but also at a price that I will be able to make enough profit after printing and publishing costs. This will be highly considered before deciding a final price.

Secondary Research

I feel that my magazine has aspects of being targeted a both a mass audience as well as a niche audience. As my magazine is mainly aimed at indie rock fans then I feel that only a select group would read this however as indie rock is a popular genre of music then therefore this would incorporate themes of both audiences.

I feel my magazine applies to the theories of Blumner and Katz who stated diversion as being a reason of reading a specific text as my indie rock genre adds diversity to my work as well as my exact audience and themes I was aiming for.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Representation- Selling Through Sterotypes

The 7 key representation areas are:



Women are stereotypically made out to be used as sex symbols in all media formats. Putting a sexy woman on the front cover on all media products will sell as men will be interested in that. However, there are theorists such as Laura Mulvey who in 1975 said that "All women are only used for sex symbols."

However times have changed and men are starting to be used in the same way and to be sold as sex symbols. 


Teenagers are stereotypically made out to be depressed, criminals and extremists. Putting rebellious teenagers and fugitive characters on the front of teenage magazines and media products will therefore appeal to all teenagers who have a rebellious streak about them. This is supported by theorist Stanley Hall who in 1904 said "All young people are depressed, criminals and extremists".

The magazine front cover from "the source" supports this theory.

Working class males are made out to be people who have the best intentions but however lack certain intellectual skills. Magazines and other various social media outlets put working class men on their front covers as they both relatable and in ways fairly comical. In 1992 Richard Butsch said that " Working class men are dumb but mean well." Examples of this are portrayed as programmes such as "The Simpsons" and "Family Guy" where they are based on a dumb working class male who always means well even at the worst of times.  

In a lot of media products, being white is apparent to be naturalised and being anything else such as black is against both normality and a stereotypical culture. Magazines use black people more when it comes to being rebellious in magazines as black connotes darkness and a threat against certain cultures. In 1998 Sarita Malik stated that " Whiteness is naturalised and being black is against the norm." This is shown in Hip Hop magazine as it shows Lil' Wayne who is black and is known for being a rebellious character. 


In certain media products, heterosexual people are portrayed as normality and being gay, lesbian or bisexual is abnormal. Magazines tend to use straight people to attract the opposite sex rather than same sex attractions.Same sex attractions are treated like second class citizens and are more of a secondary audience. This is shown as so called "lads magazines" such as "Zoo" always show exposed young women rather than men. In 1998 Andy Medhurst stated that " gays are screaming queens and lesbians are butch dykes."


Disabled people are only displayed in media imagery when they are either trying to appeal for charity or using disabled athletes as inspirational figures. This is because people only are interested in relatable and aspirational figures and they wouldn't feel that having a disability is attractive even though there should be equality. This is portrayed in "Family Guy" as the character of "Joe Swanson" is a disabled police officer that is portrayed as a fitness freak athlete. 


People from alternative nationalities and races are portrayed as a threat towards society and our cultures. This is displayed as typically British magazines always use white British people as their focus points unless they are talking about other nations in a bad light. This is supported by Stuart Hall who in 1981 said that " Black people are criminals".  This is shown in private eye as it talks about jihadi extremists adding a negative light towards Britain.