Thursday, 7 January 2016

M17: Possible Title

Inside the Injury:

Inside the injury is straight to the point and instantly tells the reader that is either football related or sport related. A positive about this name is that it sounds like that this will go into a lot of detail when watching it which will keep the watcher entertained. A downside to this is that it's not very football specific and the whole point of my documentary is that it is solely football focus. My documentary also sounds more injury focussed rather than caring about the whole life of the subjects involved.

Fall from your feet- the footballers story:

I like the idea of this as it seems very dramatic and you get the feel that it is not a comedy story and there is a incredibly serious tone about it. However I want to explore the good times and the bad times of both being a professional footballer and what there lives have gone onto since there retirement. I feel that this also has a very long winded title which may annoy and confuse the audience. I need something catchy and gripping.

Life After Football:

I like this title for a lot reasons. Firstly, it best appeals to my target audience and this is a title I found worked from my audience research. Life After Football summarises exactly what is required from my title. Essentially, Life After Football will help me to explore every possible part of the players life that I am interested in. Life After Football also sounds catchy and self explanatory. This particulalry attracts the part of my audience who have spent most of their lives used to consumption of football stories and terminology.

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