Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Lighting Research & Setup

When setting up my interview, I researched a lot videos and studied various techniques to work out how the lighting will best affect my documentary in the style that I want. As my documentary focusses about the devastation and trauma that can happen to professional footballers in their careers. Because of this I eventually used a fairly dark setting which showed that this is not a happy documentary and that this can be quite dark and distressing memories for these players involved.

When deciding my video I looked at tutorials from professionals that have experienced in setting up photo shoots and studio interviews. The one I mainly looked at was on YouTube by the channel Film Riot. In this video you see various techniques being displayed about how to experiment with lighting which enabled me to do the same.

I mainly learnt about how crucial lighting is and subsequently my documentary will look better because of practice with my lighting. From my 3 attempts at my interview, this was how my lighting turned out.

First Attempt:

Second Attempt:

Thrid Attempt:

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