Wednesday, 20 April 2016

NA7: Audience Research and Analysis of Both Products

Newspaper Advert Reseach

Around 70% of the people who filled out my survey for my newspaper advert were aged under 25. This is ideal to target my target audience because over half of that age category fall under my primary target audience age of 12-30. 
The majority of the people who have filled this survey out had a household income of less than £50,000. This is perfect because my my primary target audience is of a class background from middle to lower class.

There was an even split in the gender of my audience in this survey. My documentary is aimed at men so I would have preferred a 70-30 split towards males just so that I could get a true understanding from my target audiences point of view.

Nearly everyone who filled this out are white British. Because I aimed for white British audience members for my target audience, then I am glad that my main audience were reached via this survey.
I have predominately aimed my documentary at heterosexual men. Therefore the audience that answered this survey are the same sexuality balance that I have tried to take into account when planning my products.
As over 50% do not read newspapers, then they may not be the best people to criticise or give advice on my planning choices. However, if they see their ideas and thoughts come to life, then they may start to read newspapers based on the effect they may have via my advert.
From this, audiences stated that my content and images were the two most important features to consider as part of my advertising poster. I shall therefore base my content around my images before then considering other popular features such as colour and layout.
I feel positive about this answer as despite 64% saying maybe, I am more concerned about the percentage who outright said that they would not watch this which was only 11.9% which based on the gender and ages who answered etc is very good percentage. I feel that with a good advertising campaign I would be able to sway a lot of the people who answered to want to watch my documentary.
Considering 35% of people claimed not to watch sports documentaries and only 11.9% claimed that they would not watch mine, then not only has my documentary had a 24% increase in popularity to typical genre stereotypes but I am also making a valuable contribution into increased then genre popularity as a whole. This means I am making a valuable contribution to the industry.

As 60% of my audience follow football, then on average this is the most popular sport in the country which is good as I have chosen the sport which is more likely to draw the biggest audience out of all the possible options. 

Channel Listings Research:

Nearly 90% of everyone who filled out my survey were aged under 25 which is exactly the age range I want viewing my documentary.
This again was an even split which is not ideal based on my male target audience. However, I can consider my secondary audience more within this survey.
Everyone who filled out my survey was of either a lower class or middle class background which suits in the best possible way to my target audience. This will make my documentary seem more down to earth because I am not aiming at upper class families.
Everyone who filled out my survey  was white British is very helpful as this ethnic group is the one that my target audience is based upon.

The sexuality aims from my documentary are heterosexually based which is helpful from this survey as all but one of my subjects are of a heterosexual orientation.
This is slightly concerning as all but one person said they did not read channel listings magazines which may give may false information as they might not know what they are talking about.
Based on what my audiences have said, I shall mainly focus my work around my images, colour and content. I expected this to be the case as these are the more notable features.
Considering only 1 person claimed to have sometimes read channel listings magazines, then I was very encouraged by this next question. This shows that 75% would be at least tempted or would happily watch my documentary which means despite earlier concerns, my documentary can easily still be a success.
I am evenly split between people who currently watch sports documentaries so there is a very good chance of this percentage being increased. The fact that 50% of my survey do watch sports documentaries that my audience are already and excited and looking forward to the release of 'Life After Football'.
Similarly to my last survey, Football has once again proved to be the most popular sport in this country which is a good point as it proves that this will be more likely to successful than a documentary on rugby or cricket for example.

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